I've been beading alot lately, cleaning and reorganizing beads, completing unfinished sets, re-doing a few of mom's necklaces, and I even managed to do a spring bracelet and a rosary for my car. The beading felt like torture towards the end though. I was having scrapping withdrawals. But I finished up my last beading projects yesterday afternoon and got started on this cute little project.
It's card Kit!!
It's a little folder book and it holds 6 cards, 6 envelopes, 6 tags and a book of stamps. How cute is that!
Now why add tags? Well alot of times when I send out swaps or RAKs I like to add a card made by me and sometimes a note to a certain item in the box. The tag is the perfect way to do that. And the stamps? well I tend to miss place them often and this is a nifty way to know where they are.
I've been yapping too much I guess you want to see the kit by now so here it is:

Okay I also got to sneak this in a couple nights ago. It's not something I love but it's still kinda cute.

Now for my bead projects I'll share two of them with you since I was too lazy to take pictures of the rest.
A spring bracelet I'll be giving as a RAK on Tally. The lucky lady will be announced in the morning.

Here's the rosary I made for my new car! I gotta tell you!!! I got my own wheels again, not officially but pretty darn close! Mom bought a brand new PT cruiser and I'll be getting her old one which is totally cute and I've already come accustomed to driving for the past year.

A sexy picture of my car as Joe says:

Okay so just a little update on the challenges. We have 8 entries so far for the blog challenge #2 and 3 entries for the Card Challenge. So only 2 more entries to go before I send out a second RAK for the blog challenge #2. Send the word around ladies!! You only have until midnight central time to complete the layout and card challenges. Good luck ladies and happy scrappin' as always.