What is a JAM?
A JAM consists of 3 people.
1st person places 3 identical backgrounds on each card
and sends them to the 2nd person.
2nd person adds one identical, or close to identical ele-
ment to each card, then sends them to the 3rd person.
3rd person adds one identical, or close to identical ele-
ment to each card. If they feel the card needs another
element added after that, then they may add another
to each card.
3rd person, when the cards have been completed will then
keep one card for themselves and mail the 1st person and
2nd person their completed card.
Addresses of each person involved in the JAM are written
On the back of each card in the JAM order. Example: #1
Is 1st person, #2 is the second person, & # 3 the 3rd person.
What is an ATC? If you'd like to know more follow the link, it describes it best!

Fantastic blog Kristin. I've signed up as a follower and I'm looking forward to getting some new ideas and A LOT of motivation!
- Lori
Hey that's me! I loved the cards so far.
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