1. Create a layout (any size) about your dream job - Check
2. NO photos...this is a dream, right? - Check
3. Use the color yellow in your title. - Check
4. Use a neutral background (white, black, or kraft cardstock). - Kraft Check
5. Use LOTS of color to enhance your dream job description. - Check
6. Include a die cut or clip art image of something that has to do with your dream job. - Check

I choose Archive Technician. Working at the Casemate Museum even as a manger of the gift shop I had to learn the post's history as well as the surrounding areas' history. I was usually the only "live" person vistors would see so all questions would have to be answered by me. I was able to not only work the GS but take part in getting displays ready for the public, help with tours, and other programs being held at the museum. I've always liked history, but this took me to a whole new experiance with history. I would love to be a Archive Technician in a large museum one day.
I couldn't find a die cut I though fit the museum theme so I made one! I used the National Museum of Natural History in DC as my inspiration.
I've been asked a few time about how I store my scrap paper. I don’t have the greatest of methods at the moment for paper storage. I currently have a shelf system with the 12x12 clear boxes you can get at Michael’s. It’s not nearly enough for the amount of paper I have though. There are 6 bins total. Red, Brown, Pink, Purple, Orange and Yellow Cardstock are in one bin. Blue, Green, Black, White and Grey are in a separate bin. The pattern paper is divided up the same way according to the dominate color. Paper stacks like k&company, basic grey, and others are in the last 2 bins. I also have a shelf in the cabinet for more paper. I have magazine holders for 8x8 card stock, specialty papers like glitter, silver & gold and velum. I also have holders for kits, like from the monthly Tally Scrapper kit and Scrapbook Sussies kit. This keeps all my kits together a little better.
Here's a spoolie I did for a Swap for Vicky!
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