

Thursday, July 9, 2009

5 days until Blog Challenge #4 Ends!

Have you all looked over the entries yet for this month Blog Challenge?
(Entries can be seen on the slide show to the right
or by clicking on the links to each entry.)

Totally Rockin' entries so far!

The next challenge will be renamed as "Craftastic Challenge #5". Each catagory will stay the same, but also with new names.
#1 Layout Sketch - LO Sketch
#2 Layout challenge - LO Grab-bag
#3 Card Sketch - Card Sketch
#4 Altered Item - Outta the Box

Remember to vote for what you'd like to see as the next RAK.

If the next challenge reach 10 particapents I'll be sending out a 2nd RAK so please be sure to let you friends know!

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