

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lost Mojo, Mountain Escape...

Where O Where has my Mojo Gone?
I've misplaced it!
If you find it please give it back.
If you stole it shame on you!
But I sure hope you had fun with it!

So since my mojo is missing, I asked my husband
to take me and the doggies for a ride up in the mountains.

It was quick but fun!

Justin, Booster & Lily relaxing!

Booster never stopped long enough for a good picture :)!

Lily Queen of the Mountain

Can you spot the puppy?

Justin & Me!

I love him!

Ain't he cute?

Thanks for letting me share!


  1. How cute you are!!! Such a sweet post and I am so glad you had a happy, fun day with your hubby and puppies. YEA for you! How is school going?? I start soon and I am SAAAAADDDD. I love the freedom of summer! PS... My mojo ran away too.. I think our mojos are hangin' out together somewhere!! LOL!

  2. great pics, looks like a fun trip. As for your mojo, i've been havin trouble finding mine as well. I bet they are off together~lol
