on Tally Scrapper Right Now and linked to a
Current Challenge on Pages Maps for
the AMAZING Becky Fleck.
Tally Scrapper Due Date March 2
and Page Maps Due Date Feb 27!
Hurry Hurry!
Cool Prizes are up for both!
I knew right away what I
wanted to scrap for this sketch.
On a recent shopping trip with Mom and a
Scrap Friend I was able to stock up on
pretty papers and other baby themed items
to start my Pregnancy Scrapbook.

The Pink Tab in the back is actually a
pull tab with my journaling.
It's long, so here's a shorter variation.
On Feb 1 we had the first DR appointment
and were told all seemed to be ok except
that my uterus was larger than what is
should be for only 7 weeks.
So I was sent for an ultrasound
to confirm how far along I was.
As Justin and I waited for our turn,
Justin was joking about some tacos
I inhaled a couple days before.
And told me it's okay, I'm eating for 3.
Haha very funny, I was still
hoping I was only having one baby.
As the Tech was doing the procedure
I saw 2 little bodies and knew
right away Justin was right.
Two little Gummy Bears-Twins!
Oh the scary factor, two of everything.
We'll get through it though and I'm
sure it'll be a major adventure.
We're both very excited and only hope
that all goes well and the babies
are happy healthy and adorable!
Thanks for looking & Happy Scrappin'!
LOVE IT!! The journaling is cute! :-)
Adorable page! :0)
"Gummy Bears"- Love it! They'll be great. Beautiful and wonderful! You two will make the best parents! You already have the best fur babies!
Luv you guys!
Jenn G.
Great layout. I like the "twins" lettering and the flag & pole. Cute!
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