Welcome to the National No
Housework Day Online Blog hop!
If you have arrived not knowing
until now about the hop, no problem
...just go back to If It's Groovy where
this hop starts and work your way through.
You may find games, prizes, projects and
how do-you-dos along the path :).
We would appreciate it if you sign up
to keep in touch with us by "following"
and would love your comments!
Perhaps you arrived here from
Life With...(Julie), Great!
Hope you enjoyed that stop
and the others so far!!!
We celebrate this national holiday by
scrapping today and into the weekend
with projects that remind us of housework
or getting away from it!!!
Take the day off, put up your feet and let's hop!
House work has been like a four letter word here
at home lately. With company coming and going often.
Now that's I'm pregnant I rather nap then clean, lol!
But it must be done, sometimes.
(especially after this project, lol!)
But from April 7-10 We'll be celebrating No House
Work Day, which should in fact be every day!
So in honor of this very
important day I made this sign.
I used a $1 store platter, SassaFrass Papers
& the house from Sweethearts Cricut Cart.
Become a Follower & leave me a comment
about your favorite thing to do
when NO Housework is Required!
Be sure to leave an email in the
comments so I know where to contact you!
I'll be giving away the prize below:

Thanks for your visit, please head over to
see Scrappy Side of Me (Jen T) Enjoy!
The following List is
your stops along the way!
1. If It's Groovy (Groovy Deb)
2. Life With...(Julie)
3. Leading a Craftastic Life (Kristin)
4. Scrappy Side of Me (Jen T)
5. Peg's Crafting Corner (Peg)
6. All Things Crafty (Erica)
7. Scrapping the Guys (Heather)
8. Let's Get Peachy (Laura)
9. Creating Sensations (Vanessa)
10. Everyday Me (Michelle)
11. Basement Chronicles (Maya)
12. Love to Create (Misty)
13. Scrappy Go Lucky (Darlene)
14. Dragonfly Destiny (Jean-Marie)
15. Andrea's Metta (Andrea)
16. Red Car Productions (Krista)
17. Greets N Treats (Becky)
18. Paper Universe (Silvana)
19. The Limitations of Thought (Irini)
20. Step Into My World (Becky)
21. From the Owls Nest (Sharon)
22. Creations with Becka (Becka)
23. Crafty Go Lucky (Valerie)
24. Crafty Diva Lounge (Jen)
25. Just a Glimpse...(Jenneke)
26. Scrap it Girl (Kimberly)
27. These are a Few...(Julie)
28. Really? That Just Happened (Doreen)
29. Nikki Sivils (Julie c/o Nikki)
30. Marci's Scrapping Spot (Marci)
31. Scrapbookers Anonymous (Theresa)
32.Intrepid Thread (Julie)
33. Scrapbooking SOS (Michelle)
34. Flamingo Scraps (Amanda)
35. Scrapbook Abundance (Jana)
36. Artful Delight(Leeanne)
37. Mommy of 5 Kidz (Misty)
38. Designs by Diana(Diana)
39. Polka Cabana(Jeannie)
40. A Day in the Life...(Kelly)
41. MarBare Scraps (Mary)
42. One by One...(Karel)
totally loved your sign and the sentiment also!!!!
You did such a wonderful job on your sign! The ricrak, the buttons, all of the paper piecing. Just a really great job!
Oh, when no housework is a requirement, I do just what I am doing right now...looking at crafty sites!
You can click on my name to find the link to my email.
I agrre with you!!! Evry day must be a no work day :-)))))))) And your project is awesome!!!!
OMG! Kristin...your sign is just amazing! So filled with wonderful details. There are two things I like to do when the housework is done, scrap and play bingo. TFS your wonderful talent.
Hi Kristin! I remember all too well how housework was the last thing I wanted to do when I was pregnant with my girls. Now about two weeks before delivery that thing "they" call nesting kicks in and more than likely you will want everything to be extra clean for that precious baby coming home! I am so happy for you! I wish I was able to have more children but alas I have reached advanced maternity age as the docs like to call it and besides that I am spayed!
LOVE your project!!! As if I wouldn't? Everything you touch is gold! 24K Baby!
Happy NHD and enjoy the hop :)
Love your sign! I think I need one, too. I shall be crafting today. I have a pile of projects to work on...a mini Tim Holtz album, a mini Graphic 45 album, Easter cards, on & on...Kind of like housework, huh? But, oh, so much more fun!
Wow, this sign is just fantastic. I guess I'll be sunbathing and crafting today. (just have to enjoy th sun)
Thanks for a chance to win.
My email: Diana.Auberle@gmx.de
Well of course my favorite non-housework thing to do is scrapbooking. Next to that would have to be sitting back and reading a good book! Love your little sign! It's super cute!
That is an easy one! SCRAPBOOKING!!!
I agree - it should be everyday :) My favourite thing to do when there's no housework to do (or even when there IS housework to do...) is to scrap :) I also love going out to the cafe with my friends :) Happy NHD.
I need to make a no housework day sign, so when husband comes home he'll no why nothing was done! No questions asked! aquababy258@gmail.com
What an adorable sign! When I dont have housework to do, I like to be browsing blogs or creating cards!
jtg0398 at sbcglobal dot net
I'm passing on doing laundry... and maybe instead of cooking - the fam will eat out tonight.
Your sign is very cute and I wish it were true!
That is a fabulous sign! I need to make one for myself!
I love your sign! I will be scrapping or sewing inbetween taking care of the kiddos.....maybe we should have a duct tape the kids to the wall day! Thanks for the chance to win!
Love what you created...sooooo cute!!!
Oh Housework is such an unappreciated task!!! I would much rather be creating or gardening...but it is a necessity!!!
Wishing you a great one!!
yeah no housework today... love love love this holiday... it's a new fave... lol!!! you wall hanging is fab!!! totally agree... about the 'every day' part... wouldn't that be nice!!! As for my favorite no housework thing NOT to do... is picking up after my husband who leaves coffee mugs and ice cream bowls everywhere... ahhhhhhh... I am now following!!! I hope you have a super-fantastic-wonderful no housework day!!!
{{hugs}} Michelle
I really like your sign for our hop and I too love to get crafty, scrapbooking especially when no housework is able (or wanted) to be done!
Nice sign. I am not cleaning today, maybe just organizing my scrap stuff while I create. And I get the house to myself the whole day, even better.
i looooovvvve your sign! ah! to not do housework everyday....that would be the ultimate luxury!!!lol! i like to blog when there is no housework! jen t. :)
What an adorable sign! I definitely need one of those! Lol! My fave thing to do is scrapping of course, reading a good book, coaching t-ball, and doing Zumba!
Heather Guy
I am definitely embracing this new found holiday today! What a sweet project! And congrats on your pregnancy!! I'm new to your blog and am now a follower. So very nice to meet you. Stop by my blog sometime and say hi. HUGS!
I very cute sign! Is that a plate you used to make the sign? Great idea!
Today I will be avioding my laundry room....Love your sign !!!
My favorite thing to do when I don't do housework is scrapbook! It's even better if it's for me and not for a kit, project, or design team.. Thanks for the chance, I am on the hop too!
When I don't have to do housework I enjoy scrapbooking and reading. I love to curl up with a good book!
dlmartin82 at yahoo.com
LOve the ideas!! Thanks for a chance to win!! Fabulous!!
Love your sign, I love to be in my craftroom when I'm not doing housework, Imagine that !!
I love to play in my craft room and usually do spend more time in there then cleaning my house most days. So a no housework day makes me feel less guilty about crafting :-)
Love your sign, it is adorable!
Loved seeing your LOs and especially love the sentiment behind your NO Housework project! 8-)
My favorite thing to do when NO housework is required is stay in comfy clothes all day and look online for scrapbooking inspiration!
Adorable sign! What did you use for the frame? My favorite thing on no housework days is crafting or if the weather permits, sitting in my swing and reading or napping. Donna Woods Fiskateer 6036 donna_lynn_woods@hotmail.com
Love that little plaque. Adorable. The little house is so cute!! Thanks for the giveaway!
-Heather @ limegreen.flower@juno.com
Adorable sign! I am so agree with you - housework is no fun! I would rather be ... scrapping of course!
this is kinda how I feel too! much to my husbands displeasure :)
I agree.....no housework every day!!!!
love the sign!!!!!
that sign is a great idea. Very creative!
Great sign! Instead of housework today, I'm blogging!!
phenis2031 at yahoo dot com
love your frame!!
What a fun plate!! The sentiment is perfect! When there's no housework required, the hubs and I like to take drives, and find new, fun places in our own backyard! If a drive isn't in the plans, I scrap, of course! I'm a follower--and you can find me at ksjennings at gmail dot com or/an www.kareljcreations.com
I love that sign! I would much rather be sitting on computer or scrapping than housework.
I love your plaque! Very cute, I shall adopt that motto too!
Kristin...I've missed your work! I love to skip housework and scrap or shop for scrappy stuff :)
Love your plate and groovy prize. Yay for no housework holiday!
That sign is too stinkin' cute! My favorite thing to do when I'm not cleaning? Um...just about ANYthing else, lol! But mostly...scrapping! :D
love the sign! my fav is taking a nap with my kiddos. congrats on pregancy.
michelesscrapycreations35 at yahoo dot com
I lobe to quilt when there is no house work.
I just love your no housework sign. Perfect for the event. Of course I love to scrap when I get a chance but I also enjoy catching up on my DVR. I don't get my tv time so when I do get a chance I take it.
Your sign is absolutely stunning! Wow, you did an amazing job with it!
Oh, and my favourite thing to do when I don't have to do any housework is crafting. ;)
crafty_little_bee (at) yahoo (dot) com
Super cute sign...thanks for sharing and you deserve many naps!!
How genius is your project!! I love how frugal it is, I mean a dollar store platter for altering, how amazing is that!? You made this look BEAUTIFUL and I LOVE the quote on there! :))
Love your plaque and great sentiment
Love the no housework sign! It is adorable!
Very nice Platter, very creative!!
No housework!! No housework!!
So cute! My favorite thing to is to Blog Hop!
Super cute sign...reminds me of one that I have up in my kitchen which says, "I'm too busy to be organized!".
Loving this hop and the sentiment behind it!
Love the project. Very clever idea. TFS
pennyspad at sbcglobal dot net
his platter is so cute!!! you did an amazing job with it!!! My fav thing to do beside scrapping??? go for strolls with my kids =)
thanks for sharing and for the chance to win this fav candy =) I become your follower =)
I love your idea and the wall hanging is so cute, I need to visit the $1 store more often. I am now a follower and thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy.
Marcy S.
m.serrano at live dot com
My thing to do when there is no housework would be shopping or scrapping.
Yah! Putting my feet up and blog hopping today. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win :)
Suzy suzyq28024@gmail.com
LOVE LOVE your sign!! So cute! My no housework fave is scrapbooking! WOOT! Thanks so much! :)
oceans972 at yahoo dot com
LOve your sign!! When I have free time I love to scrap, of course!!!
Cute sign and loving this holiday!
Love your sign! I definately prefer crafting over housework anyday. I guess you'd say that my favorite No Housework is crafting. lol I'm a new follower.
Love your sign. When I have free time I love to spend that time working with my special needs son. I'm always working with him so I guess free time doesn't matter. I do scrap and craft with him daily. We make the time to do this.
I love to scrap or read when I have some free time!
Good Morning
I am Colombian and my country does not celebrate the day without chores, I loved the idea and I will visit all the blogs to see the beautiful things they did.
I love your sign! I love to scrap in my spare time.
What a fun plate!!!! Thanks for sharing and the chance to win.
Im a new follower! Thanks so much for the chance to win and follow the hop!
Hey girl! Cute sign and blog!!! My favorite thing to do when I don't have to clean??? Scrapbook and nap... Depending on how tired i am is how I decide which to do! :0)
great platter alteration.
My fave thing when housework is not required is to do anything crafty... could be crafty posting on my blog, scrapbooking, sculpting, sewing, x-stitch or painting a picture.
great platter alteration.
My fave thing when housework is not required is to do anything crafty... could be crafty posting on my blog, scrapbooking, sculpting, sewing, x-stitch or painting a picture.
Totally cute sign! I love to make layouts! I have 450 pics to scrap..so winning paper would be so awesome! I would love to win! i am a follower!
viji.lg at gmail.com
Love your plaque! I will have to go DOLLAR STORE shopping now! So fun to be on the HOP with you...such I BIG HOP! I am number 38 and look I am only 3...hmmm I think I got lost somewhere!!
Your sign is both funny AND beautiful! My fave non-housework activity is SCRAPBOOKING!!! Love the hop so far...I hope you'll stop to see me at stop #14!
My favourite thing to do when there is no housework: scrap or sleep ;-) Simple, really.....
I absolutely love that sign! I'm refusing to do dishes this weekend and I plan on transplanting my seedlings! That's playtime for me!
great blog!
fave thing to do when no cleaning required? Scrapping!!!
Great project! Love it!
My favourite non housework activity is ... scrapbooking!!!!
Thank you for sharing!!
Very cute sign, Kristin!
AWESOME sign!!! I love it!!! So cute!
great sign!!
Your project is DARLING!! I love your blog, thanks for sharing so many cute ideas. And thanks for a chance at a GREAT prize pack!!!
stampinlara at yahoo dot com
I love your plaque! My favorite thing to do is SCRAPBOOKING!!!!
Totally cool sign. Gotta love it!
mbchoj at aol dot com
Oh how I wish everyday was no house work day! :) If I didn't have to do chore I could be found reading or crafting.
Hello fellow IIG blog hop hostess! This is my first blog hop and I had a ton of fun meeting new people. Your sign you created is fabulous! I need one of those in my house, although I think my house would fall apart if I never cleaned, with 4 kids it gets pretty messy. LOL!!
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